Fundraising is a requirement from our athletes and their families. Below is information on how to get involved, what to expect from our program and much more.
What are fundraisers?
Our fundraisers change every season but in the past we have done Krispy Kreme Donuts, Fill the Calendar, Raffle Tickets/ Baskets, Golf Tournament/ Auction and more. These activities are for our athletes to earn more for the extras such as parties, trophies, certificates and other things such as these.
Is fundraising a requirement from the MYFA?
Fundraising is a requirement and does require you and your athlete to participate at your fullest capacity. These activities help keep our registration fees low and affordable and allow for the opportunity to celebrate the hard work our youth put into their season with their team.
Is there a buyout option?
There is a buyout option. What is a buyout option? This is available to those who may not have the time or capacity to sell items for the fundraiser. You can make your cash or check payment for the amount minimum amount that you are required to raise during the season.
How many fundraisers per season?
There is an expectation of at least ONE (1) fundraiser per season (one for spring and one for fall) but there could potentially be more if your team, coach or team parent is looking to raise additional funds for any specific activity or item such as end of season party, end of season gifts, etc.